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Asian Development Bank: Guangxi Southwestern Cities Development Project CS-4 Project Implementation Management & Capacity Building

The Project aimed to help three cities of Fangchenggang, Chongzuo and Baise to build roads and other infrastructure, thus improve three cities’ environment and living condition, create non-agricultural employment opportunities for poor farmers, and strengthen regional economic cooperation through integrating underdeveloped international market in China west southern area.

The Project will improve city environment through promoting the integration of city infrastructure and coordinated development benefiting project population of over 606,000, in which, minorities account for 72.2% of total population in direct project zone, dominated by Zhuang. 81.9% of benefited population is absolute rural poor, and 70.2% is city poor. Minorities are the main beneficiaries of the Project.

The Project will create 10,030 person/year direct employment opportunities and 26,070 person/year indirect employment opportunities, which will offer women, the poor and minorities priorities. An estimated 104.16 million CNY direct income and 270.82 million CNY indirect benefit will be generated.


